Meet the Instructor

Looking for an industry consultant and trainer with proven experience? Look no further than Greg Henderson, the founder of Federal Drug Testing Services. With over 15 years of experience, he is one of the top leading federal drug and alcohol industry experts and has helped countless clients achieve their goals. Whether you are looking for expert guidance, training, or consulting services, Greg is the right choice for you.​
Former Department of Immigrations and Customs Detention Facility Lead Inspector
Former Federal Aviation Administration Drug and Alcohol Compliance Enforcement Inspector (DOT & FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulation Guidelines).
Former Department of the Interior Drug and Alcohol Program Manager (Overseen the HHS Drug Programs for Department of Justice, United States Attorney Office, Department of Homeland Security Headquarters, and IRS Criminal Division).
Former U.S Army Drug and Alcohol Unit Prevention Manager (Department of Defense Drug Testing Guidelines).
Certified Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Train the Trainer (DHHS & DOT)
Drug & Alcohol Conference instructor i.e., CPCT and Train the Trainer Courses
Certified Professional Collector Trainer (CPCT)
Certified Breath Alcohol Technician Trainer (BAT)